Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The manufacturing sector the manufacturing part

The manufacturing sector the manufacturing part of a direct impact on product prices and industry efficiency, Jian Hua Group, the product restructuring, the manufacturing sector and service when the product to develop, through internal competition and circulation, effectively reduces the cost and enhance efficiency In today's fierce competition form a clear edge in the industry chain grasp more of the voice and initiative.

upgrade of the road: China's manufacturing industry will always have spring the Chinese firm for market strategy, the Group began to adjust gradually by a single international brand OEM OEM and own brand to brand the direction of combining business development. Enterprise has invested 4,000 million yuan, the introduction of , opened the business industry in-place upgrade of the prologue.

to tie in Ganzhou major industries to relocate

to tie in Ganzhou major industries to relocate to speed up the move, Jian Hua Group full advantage of cross-regional sharing of resources, the world's footwear industry in Dongguan (Asia) headquarters base for the platform, and actively build an export-oriented manufacturing and the creation of Ganzhou base, SMEs Ganzhou business base, the domestic brand incubator Ganzhou, Jian Hua Group ultimately sustainable healthy development in different places. Zhang Huarong told reporters that in the future, Jian Hua Group will Ganzhou-based, satellite-style building was in the neighboring factories, strive to In recent years, China Jian Group also enter Vietnam, north Xiangcheng (Henan), distribution Jiangmen, from extensive to intensive, from a single type to a complex upgrade, from the simple to the spatial distribution of integration across time and space.

After 2005, structural adjustment benefits began to emerge, due to cost advantages, the same price, the profit will be higher than previous 3% to 5%, and since native employees, and enterprise development is relatively high stability. The best in the external environment and the corporate fast growing enterprises fulfilled ahead of time when the regional distribution and structural change, which greatly enhanced the anti-risk ability of enterprises and sustainable development space. layout restructuring of the enterprise, Jian Hua Group also carried out product structure.

Since 2001, companies from a simple shoe manufacturing, transferred to a research and development, trade, leather, shoe manufacturing, shoes, and machinery, product processing, logistics, high-end forum, the headquarters Jide whole industry in one chain, has created the most comprehensive current shoes manufacturing industry chain, the company has laid a good foundation for the upgrade.

Monday, August 30, 2010

a very terrible thing: One day

a very terrible thing: One day, a 21 year-old boys to go to a barbecue wearing contact lenses wild party! on charcoal fire he started with a few minutes later, he suddenly cried, and then very painful jumping around, rolling on the ground the audience of people scared and hh spent, no one knows what is going on? everyone to hurry to send him to the hospital, the doctor checked regret to say, his eyes blind!participate in outdoor barbecue or anything that might come into contact with fire When the source, please do not wear contact lenses! because contact lenses are made of plastic, hot melt temperature contact lenses in our eyes!Susie fell, Shirley saw Su West falls immediately asked Susie, However, since Shirley has signs are difficult to identify, often because the person next to stroke patients without timely found brain damage in patients with delayed treatment Ershi.

We need to ask three questions of patients: patients display requirements smile; asked patients two hands are held up; asked patients to say a simple thing. If the patient can not do these three people around you should immediately called 120 ambulance calls, and told the ambulance attendant staff this is a symptom of stroke. If we can deliver a wide range and the application of such an interrogation method, testing, stroke symptoms, the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients quickly as possible to avoid patients with brain damage.quoted: My parents are retired at home.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Governments at all levels should consciously

Governments at all levels should consciously accept the supervision of the same level people's congresses and their standing committees, to report work, answering questions, according to the Standing Committee filed administrative rules and regulations; consciously accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, an open mind to listen to their opinions and suggestions of government work; to accept the people's court in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law the supervision of the implementation of the executive; Jia Jiang on the regulations and other normative documents of the Authority; conscientiously implement the Administrative Review Law, strengthening the administrative reconsideration work, improve and strictly implement the Xingzhengpeichang and Buchangzhiduo; innovation system-level monitoring Xin, Qianghuashangji administrative organ of supervision of the lower administrative organs; strengthen specialized supervision, should actively cooperate with the executive authorities at all levels to monitor, audit and other special oversight body of work, consciously accept the supervision and auditing supervision of specialized oversight body, the decision; the strengthening of community supervision to protect the citizens, legal persons and other organizations in the Supervision of administrative act rights, broaden the channels of supervision, improve the supervision mechanism, improve the system of violations reported by the masses; great attention by the news media, the news media reflect the issues to be seriously investigated, verified, and shall timely treatment.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

is said to have sale today

is said to have sale today, New World Shopping Centre, all 350 double, I think it worthy. only to see if the autumn sale of the. Hahabaituo ansongla her to me to investigate. I was not willing to buy her family's shoes, the original price. I still feel you,Christian Louboutin ha ha not a good life too careful calculation of the I always felt more than a thousand pair of high heels, to catch up with Europe and the United States of discount season, you can buy a better brand and style. or buy a home in a few days more than 1000 event saw the sale, it is estimated will be depressed once the. haha Forgive me, P90X buying things on I was a painful, did not suffer. fact, some people scorn for the shoes, not that pair of shoes Well. Moncler casually buy buy enough. But I still think for themselves or a pair of true love The shoes give you the feeling and the feeling of casual wear a pair of shoes is completely different. sometimes I love to wear their own shoes, as if even walking is a light.