Friday, August 27, 2010

Governments at all levels should consciously

Governments at all levels should consciously accept the supervision of the same level people's congresses and their standing committees, to report work, answering questions, according to the Standing Committee filed administrative rules and regulations; consciously accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, an open mind to listen to their opinions and suggestions of government work; to accept the people's court in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law the supervision of the implementation of the executive; Jia Jiang on the regulations and other normative documents of the Authority; conscientiously implement the Administrative Review Law, strengthening the administrative reconsideration work, improve and strictly implement the Xingzhengpeichang and Buchangzhiduo; innovation system-level monitoring Xin, Qianghuashangji administrative organ of supervision of the lower administrative organs; strengthen specialized supervision, should actively cooperate with the executive authorities at all levels to monitor, audit and other special oversight body of work, consciously accept the supervision and auditing supervision of specialized oversight body, the decision; the strengthening of community supervision to protect the citizens, legal persons and other organizations in the Supervision of administrative act rights, broaden the channels of supervision, improve the supervision mechanism, improve the system of violations reported by the masses; great attention by the news media, the news media reflect the issues to be seriously investigated, verified, and shall timely treatment.

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