Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"I pretty much agree with the citizen with way understand that the spot audits and hear a person generation meeting

2010-2011 years, the tiny Bo of government sections, such as"Chengdu releases", "peaceful Peking", "railroad in Xinjiang", "bead sea Chinese People is Political Consultative Conference official tiny Bo", "tour bureau in Sichuan province" and"railroad in Wuhan"...etc. continuously breaks through and releases the section is related governmental affairs service information, the short in a short time respectively acquires thousands Bo friend concern.
"The province person of Sichuan is big" knits tiny Bo"meeting"(person big opening) on the 18th and invited 23 citizens to Tiffany & Co audit, is invites citizen to audit for the last few years more of get more than 200s once.Net friend"Zhao Long attains" says:"I pretty much agree with the citizen with way understand that the spot audits and hear a person generation meeting, and put forward different viewpoint, this well embodied the right of knowing what happened of citizen to get a maintenance."But net friend"the failure wins" mean, 23 people can not represent all, but hope to represent big part and audit 23 citizens too little.

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