Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And thus blue Hao cried

simply answer "to me," said in the earlier laptops percussion-- "We all know that their mandate" -- the "blue team around looking Ho said. "aware of it. "everyone silently said. "Yan, you are now in his capacity as the Office of Special Operations Group, breeze documents will be distributed to Members. "The breeze blue Ho said. Breeze show documents to the 11 members, it is strange to see the new identity---- "to have their own documents, now to put their equipment, and then proceed to the action. "Blue Ho saw breeze finished documents thus command. ". "The voice and tidy office revealed that there is no end to the strong. to see all busy sorting equipment, blue Ho went to the prince said beside the Prince of the things under control, I know you feel, after all attacks on the remaining you one group. However, if you want to believe that they will soon return to the fighting. " from now to get off the train has never said the prince, I heard, blue HO nodded: Yan! " I have nothing to do I have to sort out equipment. " Blue Ho Look at the Prince, s figure Viewed from Behind, shook his head heart, I hope he can muster up! The blue Hao Shao went to China, which had asked how the? ". ? "Now, is transmission of information, and confiscation orders. Shao Hua, "it seems that the blue Ho reminded not to expropriate the House that the expropriation orders, deliberately loud cautioned. Blue Ho listened to the tone he did not mind, after all is not just the point, "Yan. I am here. The action immediately. " The first volume chapter 30 The chapter 30 The blue Hao quietly watching dressed in civilian clothes players in the preparation of the equipment, and await the Shao Hua To find the owner of the information. A moment, "to find a specific location of the households know only to find the information he is also trouble. Yan-but still found it! " "China will find the Shao households handed blue Hao, and in the print expropriation orders. "Yan. Thank you! "That the information. show that household is 20 year old girl, named Yin Fang, the medical on reading 2, the parents in the Company is called the China Trade Co., Ltd., businesses are in Africa, the company, s headquarters are moved to Africa, South Africa, as long as it christian louboutin sale stands now only Yin Fang unable to return home at home..... The very detailed information, after reading blue Ho smiled, and it seems a little trouble----- The annual session where Shao Hua, went to the blue, "read? This is the expropriation orders for you! " "Yan, please, then you can go to the office to coordinate our mission. here soon to start-" Blue Ho took the expropriation orders, he said. Shao Hua did not answer directly to Xu Jing said: "If I have come here to give you! " "Yan. "Xu Jing nodded, Shao Hua, a car garage. Shao Hua, it seems that the gap in our heart was! Blue Ho thought. Almost all the preparation of, and thus blue Hao cried, "We are ready, it is scheduled to begin operations. " ". "Members of the firm answer to, and then start their own leader. "Prince, Xu Jing, the vehicle. We started the operation. "Blue Ho said at a car. The prince, and Xu Jing with

But I have the details of them

remote monitoring them closely around the hotel controls, regardless of whether they are there any conspiracy, as long as they control the region, it would be a threat to the minimum. Moreover, not only a remote surveillance. "Here, blue Ho smiled. Xu Jing and Shao China into a reflection of what to do to blue HO? Blue Ho looked at the Expression of satisfaction with the continued, "I think is very simple, you are frequently used in secret, but I have the details of them." "Detailed? details of how? "Shao Hua, a water spray, lay down their hearts to just under suspicion of the incident. "I know, the information that they are a very professional and elements of the East, but also the need for professional tools of the terrorist attacks, but they will never be a tool in their living room. Even if we are now searching their room will not have any gains so! They will have another we do not know the positions of the positions they will soon be implemented only when the terrorist attacks in the past will take the necessary tools, and is now hiding in the State. We have to do is to wait for the tight control-----" Blue Hao stalled, and then continue to say, "Therefore, we should do is quietly waiting for them in the dark Fox the tail. " "-" Shao Hua in defiance of the blue eyes watching HAO: "You are the suspect that there is no basis, if you are wrong, then the loss of our country? " "Yan, Shao Hua You said that although I do not like you look! It is to say, you said that the focus. This is the reason why remote control, this time, we have the equipment is estimated at Your Service are very rare. Confidence in the "Blue Hao said," There is no doubt? " "You-The....." Shao Hua would also like to say, but was interrupted Xu Jing, "Shao Hua, not to say that the Blue Team Leader HO, do you think, we have considered how to implement. I believe you, you said, do it! " "Good! If you agree that it is now started mandate. "Blue Hao serious said. "I now order, according to the original plan for the tracking team group. Here is that you have the means of transport, Hefei complex line I am sure you will remember the! " "Yes! has borne in mind that, although somewhat chaotic track, but not a problem. "Confidence in the breeze said. "Yan and so on. For their whereabouts to where to do what was going to see what I have to understand. "Blue HO nodded said. "2 mobile Group, in accordance with plans to you on the residents of attendants in hotels, and monitor them in a hotel, will be better prepared for all operations, bearing in mind not to arouse his suspicions," ". "Tim fangs added to the voice of the answer to his lips. "I and Prince and Xu Jing in the building of the 13 level command the room for the remote control. Ho said that the "Blue Shao said:" We do not know why not unhappy, but now it is a grave moment, we hope to have a good grasp of their duties. You will remain in Hefei security office for coordination of our actions, and I just want to the house owner, christian louboutin discount soon, I believe you can do. " Looking at the Blue Hao serious expressions, Shao Hua, now is not aware of what emotions, their responsibility to do so

" Blue Hao heard here

"immediately--" "Yan, hurry up! "Blue Ho turned to Xu Jing said:" The mission, where you are the latest information, "he said. "That the players are all together, Xu Jing they prepared to listen to the latest information. "Yan, yes! "The answer is expressionless Xu Jing, and then from where Shao Hua to computer with a seal on the front side, said:" The identity and mandate of you know, this is the latest information, a hotel sneaked into the secret service said that they have high technological tools, in the hotels are their control, which is to use the Wireless Video Camera. "The computer, open a Web page that the picture," with the camera is the United States Secret Service new tool to contain a micro bombs, as long as we have found evidence to the time, it will be detonated the bomb inside the water will be sprayed out Wang camera directly to melt, that is why we do not dare to directly monitor. Their guard against a very tight. And we now have the manpower is inadequate, " He looked at the Blue Hao, meaning that this is the reason why you to support-but supposedly blue eyes, because he is to meet, suddenly asked, "although they are very advanced science and technology, but I believe they sneaked into the room is very simple, why not by inside the camera? It can monitor their activities, and the needs of the staff will be greatly reduced. " This time, Shao Hua has turned white eye, impatience said, "they are very special status, we are not sure whether they can be found in their rooms, the monitor, and found no good, very serious consequences if found, so we cannot take the risk. " "It is! Now only indirectly surveillance. "The pale blue Ho said. "They are doing what? " "They are now almost no room, and are in a hotel. Xu Jing received Shao Hua, "if continued," In addition to do it out, and there is no more important, only 23 individuals out of the other in the hotel, seems to prevent what? " Blue Hao heard here, has broad understanding of the People, s latest information, the voice suddenly sent the dragon, "call-out of difficulty in finding good! " heard long small, blue Hao to Xu Jing said: "! For the dragon to see what we louboutin shoes have found the? " We have to go there little dragon. The first volume Chapter 29 The chapter 29 "In fact, the leader of the time when the task, taking into account the situation, therefore, when we off the plane, the captain I find them to stay around the construction of hotels and space. "The Dragon to Major General computer so that we can see. "This is the hotel construction around the space, see here. Little Dragon "means the right of a building," it is a high living, a total of 27, the East and elements of the living room is a window for the building of the 12 rooms, is here, " Long said the less clicking the mouse, computer images to the reduction in the face of the Secretary said that the room. Xu Jing see here said, "Captain, do you mean, in a remote surveillance? " "Yes! Since almost no, then the

The introduction of the people

that time, think that a large number of agents of the secretion of sweat. heart, whether or not to do too much! ! thus breaking the silence, "Yan-it is a Senior Special Shao Hua, christian louboutin shoes Xu Jing, we will work with you complete this task-" refers to a nearby agents said that the female-Xu Jing only nodded, not words. The blue Ho smiled, because he found the faint hearts Shao Hua, panic, thus, the team leader Blue Wolf war Hao, had trouble you! "Before the start of the offer, the introduction of the people. 1 "group, wind-" 2 "group, Fang-" "attack group. Prince-" Brief Introduction, see blue Hao was almost a direct result of the said: "Well, we all know, I would like to say, no matter how you look at our past, but it is in line with you, if there is any errors in the mandate of the threat to our security, I will kill you! "God said that the sharp focus the gas killed in the air filled the air, depression. It is very depressed----- Shao Hua two suddenly felt the endless blue Ho who killed gas, the killing of gas from the war, Wei pressure on them. They have the sweat of wet clothes. Let them feel that if the mandate because they are really what mistakes, blue hao really kill them---- But as a Senior Special dignity, China is ready to fight against blue Hao Shao, Xu Jing suddenly stopped in the eyes, "rest assured that the blue Hao leader, since we are to meet you, then we will do my own! " This time, Shao Hua would also like to say something more, however, Xu Jing eyes is really terrible, she serious doubts about Shao Hua, lay down their hearts to quiet down-- Ho will have to see the blue eyes, did not say what that has stalled, said: "Since you will understand that I did not say what! The time constraint, it began to discuss implementation of its mandate. Some of them would also like to ask you-" "Yan, good! Xu Jing nodded answer! " ---- The blue sky codes of Wang Hao Lung less said: "ready? " Being What is less busy side of the dragon notebooks, even if just happened long less did not participate in the efforts of the computer is busy side. Blue Hao heard about the dragon head did not raise less direct said:

Friday, November 12, 2010

That woman was devastated two Yandeng De boss


They have not stretched arm holding an iron bar, his stomach was Mr Chen Pizhong legs.

Convex with the eyes, ,Oh,, bang, came a sharp pain, burning like a knife. Only to find floating feet off the ground, the two broken strings like flying a kite back in

six or seven meters down on the ground dragging crashed into the garbage, garbage dump one.

At the same time, the two hands of the iron floor, full of screams in the alley it is particularly harsh.

That woman was devastated two Yandeng De boss, all this occurred at a time less than five seconds! Because of insufficient light, a woman also saw the virtual shadow.

Have the time to be able to see clearly, Mr Chen has been pulled out of the pocket of cigarettes and matches.

Mr Chen looked lit cigarette posture, head surprise flashed a word.

Shuai second word.

Cool the third word.


The fourth term has saved.

And the remaining three Seeing this

Mr Chen spit spit spit, wiped his hands, ignoring the pain caused by his feet, full of fighting spirit came forward stride! Atmosphere suddenly changed, washed the

body out of the domineering evil spirits.

And few people are renowned for Chen made worse in the presence of five no one is willing to rush to the first, fear of looking at the side of his body twitching with

strokelike companions, very violent heartbeat.

But Mr Chen, not doing this so stupid to attack someone else!

Spotted the first person left, a government body, feet first serve with the force of the waist and shoved his right hand clenched, a punch hit the man in the abdomen.

Five not react, Mr Chen is also a turn, the left hand joints were severely stabbed in the abdomen, the second, both lost in the hands of an iron bar, snapped to the

ground clutching his stomach, and the remaining three Seeing this, a SCREAM stepped back, while the other two are holding the iron bar pale. Mr Chen was hit toward the

fiercely to.

Looking at Mr Chen whining

Mr Chen is so renowned for Samaritan, who had lost against the will of the woman suddenly toss up, looking at Mr Chen whining.

"Ah? In this band? Actually it was my little brother dare?" Turned his head and looked drunk, smoked pig is head man, winking, indicating little brother will be paid

down Chen.

Turned around and smiled, stretched out to rub the trotters that * woman is body.

"Zhiming guy

"My God!"

Less than a hundred meters of the alley, walked half, five or six men surrounded a person is being grin of saying something, and that those who were around in the

middle of the hair is a stuffy creak Wuwu sound, can not find a man or a woman, presumably being blocked or hand over his mouth.

Mr Chen heart sigh, when law and order in the city of Kam water become so spoiled? Themselves out of a trip, actually suffered a robbery!

"Hey, did not have money?"

Did not think they do not mess with those six hooligans, but that a few rogue Cengdao δΊ† Chen made his face, one smoking a cigarette, blonde, Shen Zhaoshou said: "Man,

now the economic crisis, the brothers who is not a good mix, how ? to the point of tip support support? "

Go look at his face upon her iron bars, like the turtle head and takes a negative stretch young people, Mr Chen sigh, eyes wide takes a donkey like, totally did not

see the front of the two in the eyes.

Then pull the face, grabbed the collar of the two growled loudly: "a cracking, so you also have the heart to the girl Ruhuasiyu destroyed? Ah!"

Wearing a white dress, holding a yellow bag by a woman is the brawny arms covered in tattoos and his arms, has been ravaged Zhulian have not a naked man.

Looked at the falling tears, full of distress in the eyes, Mr Chen ignorant but innocent heart is broken.

Its so big, when you allow a woman in their own eyes if the cry? Ever since, the mind threw up a very strong anger, cursed broken ports; "Zhiming guy, in the end is

how management? Crash!"

Snapped, just want to fight a two hooligans had been shot in the ground, tilted his head, outstretched tongue out braving the spittle, the body of a move a bit of


And a look like hooligans walking down the street

nd is broken sooner or later you,re not broken legs."

Smoke poured out of a pocket, polished with a match, all the way to handling the smoke left.

Four young people looking at the distance of the boss down to the ground unconscious, Mr Chen looked at the back of his head leaning on four depressed men left the

park blonde.

Mr Chen looked at the back a bit thin, a few people think a lot.

My dearest friends in the marching steps chest, just learned what Mr Chen golden youth long forgotten, and a look like hooligans walking down the street. Did not have

one aim at a glance both held the thigh.

"Call it the taste of barefoot, really upset." Children will not walk in the dark alley, carrying trousers, tread cautiously in the wet lanes, as long as after this

alley, walk on a road to the area where Mr Chen Liao.