Tuesday, November 16, 2010

But I have the details of them

remote monitoring them closely around the hotel controls, regardless of whether they are there any conspiracy, as long as they control the region, it would be a threat to the minimum. Moreover, not only a remote surveillance. "Here, blue Ho smiled. Xu Jing and Shao China into a reflection of what to do to blue HO? Blue Ho looked at the Expression of satisfaction with the continued, "I think is very simple, you are frequently used in secret, but I have the details of them." "Detailed? details of how? "Shao Hua, a water spray, lay down their hearts to just under suspicion of the incident. "I know, the information that they are a very professional and elements of the East, but also the need for professional tools of the terrorist attacks, but they will never be a tool in their living room. Even if we are now searching their room will not have any gains so! They will have another we do not know the positions of the positions they will soon be implemented only when the terrorist attacks in the past will take the necessary tools, and is now hiding in the State. We have to do is to wait for the tight control-----" Blue Hao stalled, and then continue to say, "Therefore, we should do is quietly waiting for them in the dark Fox the tail. " "-" Shao Hua in defiance of the blue eyes watching HAO: "You are the suspect that there is no basis, if you are wrong, then the loss of our country? " "Yan, Shao Hua You said that although I do not like you look! It is to say, you said that the focus. This is the reason why remote control, this time, we have the equipment is estimated at Your Service are very rare. Confidence in the "Blue Hao said," There is no doubt? " "You-The....." Shao Hua would also like to say, but was interrupted Xu Jing, "Shao Hua, not to say that the Blue Team Leader HO, do you think, we have considered how to implement. I believe you, you said, do it! " "Good! If you agree that it is now started mandate. "Blue Hao serious said. "I now order, according to the original plan for the tracking team group. Here is that you have the means of transport, Hefei complex line I am sure you will remember the! " "Yes! has borne in mind that, although somewhat chaotic track, but not a problem. "Confidence in the breeze said. "Yan and so on. For their whereabouts to where to do what was going to see what I have to understand. "Blue HO nodded said. "2 mobile Group, in accordance with plans to you on the residents of attendants in hotels, and monitor them in a hotel, will be better prepared for all operations, bearing in mind not to arouse his suspicions," ". "Tim fangs added to the voice of the answer to his lips. "I and Prince and Xu Jing in the building of the 13 level command the room for the remote control. Ho said that the "Blue Shao said:" We do not know why not unhappy, but now it is a grave moment, we hope to have a good grasp of their duties. You will remain in Hefei security office for coordination of our actions, and I just want to the house owner, christian louboutin discount soon, I believe you can do. " Looking at the Blue Hao serious expressions, Shao Hua, now is not aware of what emotions, their responsibility to do so

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