Tuesday, November 16, 2010

" Blue Hao heard here

"immediately--" "Yan, hurry up! "Blue Ho turned to Xu Jing said:" The mission, where you are the latest information, "he said. "That the players are all together, Xu Jing they prepared to listen to the latest information. "Yan, yes! "The answer is expressionless Xu Jing, and then from where Shao Hua to computer with a seal on the front side, said:" The identity and mandate of you know, this is the latest information, a hotel sneaked into the secret service said that they have high technological tools, in the hotels are their control, which is to use the Wireless Video Camera. "The computer, open a Web page that the picture," with the camera is the United States Secret Service new tool to contain a micro bombs, as long as we have found evidence to the time, it will be detonated the bomb inside the water will be sprayed out Wang camera directly to melt, that is why we do not dare to directly monitor. Their guard against a very tight. And we now have the manpower is inadequate, " He looked at the Blue Hao, meaning that this is the reason why you to support-but supposedly blue eyes, because he is to meet, suddenly asked, "although they are very advanced science and technology, but I believe they sneaked into the room is very simple, why not by inside the camera? It can monitor their activities, and the needs of the staff will be greatly reduced. " This time, Shao Hua has turned white eye, impatience said, "they are very special status, we are not sure whether they can be found in their rooms, the monitor, and found no good, very serious consequences if found, so we cannot take the risk. " "It is! Now only indirectly surveillance. "The pale blue Ho said. "They are doing what? " "They are now almost no room, and are in a hotel. Xu Jing received Shao Hua, "if continued," In addition to do it out, and there is no more important, only 23 individuals out of the other in the hotel, seems to prevent what? " Blue Hao heard here, has broad understanding of the People, s latest information, the voice suddenly sent the dragon, "call-out of difficulty in finding good! " heard long small, blue Hao to Xu Jing said: "! For the dragon to see what we louboutin shoes have found the? " We have to go there little dragon. The first volume Chapter 29 The chapter 29 "In fact, the leader of the time when the task, taking into account the situation, therefore, when we off the plane, the captain I find them to stay around the construction of hotels and space. "The Dragon to Major General computer so that we can see. "This is the hotel construction around the space, see here. Little Dragon "means the right of a building," it is a high living, a total of 27, the East and elements of the living room is a window for the building of the 12 rooms, is here, " Long said the less clicking the mouse, computer images to the reduction in the face of the Secretary said that the room. Xu Jing see here said, "Captain, do you mean, in a remote surveillance? " "Yes! Since almost no, then the

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